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(Please do not add events that are longer than one year.)
Arts & Cluture
TRAC Holiday Bazaar
40 Main St, Right Side, Toms River 40 Main St, Right Side, TOMS RIVER, NJ, United StatesJoin the TRAC Artists for our yearly Holiday Bazaar. Local artists will be setting up in our Gallery, Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. We will have 10-15 vendors setup, plus all of our regular works will be on display as well. Keep your hard earned money in our town this Holiday season! This is a family, friendly event 100% ADA compliant facility
OCHS’ Victorian Era Holiday Open House
Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United StatesOCHS’s Victorian Era Holiday Open House On Saturday, November 25, 2023, the Ocean County Historical Society, 26 Hadley Avenue, Toms River will be hosting a Victorian Era Holiday Open House from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Bring your camera, children, and grandchildren to meet and take pictures with Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus from 11:30 AM until 1:30 PM. Take a tour of our holiday decorated Victorian Era house and museum complete with holiday music. Enjoy holiday drinks and treats. Also, there will be Holiday gifts for the children. Best of all the event is free! For additional information, please call Jeff at 609-339-9134.
TRAC Holiday Bazzar
TRAC- Toms River Artist Community 40 Main Street, Toms River, NJ, United StatesJoin your favorite local artist for their Annual Holiday Bazaar. Artists will be setup at 40 Main Street, TRAC's new home! Come on out an buy shop local for the holidays this year. Handmade gifts and original art works will be available. Most of our artist will also do custom works as well. Shop local Support Local Give the gift of art this holiday season
Open Studio Night
The Downtown Shops 53 Main St, Toms Rivet, NJ, United StatesJoin us for an Open Studio night! The last Tuesday of every month 5:30-8:30pm. Bring your own supplies, bring your own snacks/drinks. Come out and paint, draw, sketch or whatever you want. Hang out with your fellow artists, ask for help if you’re stuck on something, get new ideas from others and help spark your creativity! A fun relaxing night to just chill and do some artin’ In the Activity Room at The Downtown Shops @ 53 Main, 53 Main St. Toms River. Members are free, non members are welcome to join for $5.00 a session
TRAC – Knitting for Beginners with Wendy
40 Main St, Right Side, Toms River 40 Main St, Right Side, TOMS RIVER, NJ, United StatesAt the TRAC Gallery, learn to knit with Wendy from Art From Mars This is beginners class. Create a handmade gift such as coasters, ornaments, bracelets etc. Please contact Wendy to reserve your spot 732-597-8903 $25.00 Per person, family friendly event
WREP: When Radio Entertained People
The Ocean County Library 101 Washington St, Toms River, NJ, United StatesJoin us for an evening "broadcast" of skits from the Golden Age of Radio, performed live by WREP's veteran actors. This “broadcast” will feature episodes from the shows Life of Riley, Archie Andrews and Flywheel. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Ocean County Library - Toms River.
“A War Against Disease and Despair: Immigrants, Nurses, Soldiers, and the Transformation of Patient Care on Ellis Island During WWI”
Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United StatesRyan Radice Sunday, December 10, 2023, at 2:00 PM “A War Against Disease and Despair: Immigrants, Nurses, Soldiers, and the Transformation of Patient Care on Ellis Island During World War I” While known primarily for its use as an immigrant facility, Ellis Island went through several major changes from the time war was declared in Europe in 1914, to the time that the last military members left the island in 1919. During the First World War, Ellis Island and its associated hospital facilities would be the victims of German terrorism, a mobilization points for thousands of Red Cross nurses bound for the frontlines, and a debarkation hospital that was the first stop home for countless sick and wounded soldiers returning from the battlefield. Ryan Radice is a historian from Scotch Plains, New Jersey. A graduate of Monmouth University, his research interests include immigration history, the American Revolution and early republic, and the history and archaeology of New Jersey cemeteries and military sites. This event takes place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Our speaker series is free; however, SEATING IS LIMITED! To reserve your seat, send your name, zip code, email address, and the date of [...]
The Guild Theatreworks Presents: Belles
The Ocean County Library 101 Washington St, Toms River, NJ, United StatesActors from The Guild Theatreworks will perform a reading of Belles, a play about six Southern sisters who try to bridge the distance between them via telephone and come to terms with their family history. Please register. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Ocean County Library - Toms River.
Read with Pride Adult Book Club
The Ocean County Library 101 Washington St, Toms River, NJ, United StatesJoin us for the monthly Read with Pride Adult Book Club. This month we will be discussing Wow, No Thank You by Samantha Irby. This book discussion is for those who identify as LGBTQ, or who simply want to learn more about LGBTQ+ stories, narratives, and experiences. All are welcome.
TRAC Opening Reception
The Downtown Shops 53 Main St, Toms Rivet, NJ, United StatesJoin us for the opening of our new gallery hang. Meet the artists, have a snack and enjoy some great local art! This is a family friendly, free event
TRAC Opening Reception
TRAC- Toms River Artist Community 40 Main Street, Toms River, NJ, United StatesJoin us for the opening of our new gallery hang. Meet the artists, have a snack and enjoy some great local art! This is a family friendly, free event. *PLEASE NOTE: TRAC HAS MOVED TO 40 MAIN STREET (OLD WELLS FARGO BLDG)*
Open Studio Night
TRAC- Toms River Artist Community 40 Main Street, Toms River, NJ, United StatesJoin us for an Open Studio night! The last Tuesday of every month 5:30-8:30pm. Bring your own supplies, bring your own snacks/drinks. Come out and paint, draw, sketch or whatever you want. Hang out with your fellow artists, ask for help if you’re stuck on something, get new ideas from others and help spark your creativity! A fun relaxing night to just chill and do some artin’ 40 Main Street, Right side Members are free, non members are welcome to join for $5.00 a session
“Continuous Fight For Recognition on Lenape Homelands” by Ty “Dancing Wolf” Ellis
Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United StatesTy “Dancing Wolf” Ellis January 14, 2024, at 2:00 PM “Continuous Fight for Recognition on Lenape Homelands” Lenapehoking(k); the land of the Lenape, and the land of our ancestors. The lands that many Lenape people were forcibly displaced from, while others attempted to hide in plain sight for over a century before finally being allowed to claim their culture and heritage as Indigenous People publicly. This basic human right was something not afforded to Native People on the East Coast until just a short 45 years ago This discussion will go on to speak about the history of Lenape people on these lands (and touch on those that were removed) starting with the Trail of Tears, to the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978, to reformation of our community, to the constant struggles of each decade after. Ty “Dancing Wolf” Ellis is a citizen of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribe; one of three state recognized tribes within New Jersey, and a Sovereign Nation. He has had many responsibilities within his Tribal Community, being a part of or in charge of most all existing committees within the tribe at some point within his 33 years in the physical world. He has [...]
Open Studio Night
TRAC- Toms River Artist Community 40 Main Street, Toms River, NJ, United StatesJoin us for an Open Studio night! The last Tuesday of every month 5:30-8:30pm. Bring your own supplies, bring your own snacks/drinks. Come out and paint, draw, sketch or whatever you want. Hang out with your fellow artists, ask for help if you’re stuck on something, get new ideas from others and help spark your creativity! A fun relaxing night to just chill and do some artin’ 40 Main Street, Right side Members are free, non members are welcome to join for $5.00 a session
What America Sounds Like: 250 Years of American Music
Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United StatesMelissa Ziobro February 25, 2024, at 2:00 PM What America Sounds Like: 250 Years of American Music This interactive, multi-media talk by Melissa Ziobro provides a look at the iconic music that helps us understand our shared history as we approach the 250th anniversary of American independence. Special emphasis is given to Thomas Edison, Paul Robeson, James P. Johnson, Frank Sinatra, Whitney Houston, Paul Simon, Bruce Springsteen, Queen Latifah, Bon Jovi, and others from New Jersey who have contributed so much to the American music landscape. Melissa Ziobro is a longtime educator and the new Curator of the Bruce Springsteen Archives and Center for American Music at Monmouth University. This event takes place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Our speaker series is always free; but donations are greatly appreciated. SEATING IS LIMITED! To reserve your seat, send your name, zip code, email address, and the date of the program (February 25, 2024) to
“War at the Shore”
Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United StatesSunday, March 3, 2024, at 2:00 PM War at the Shore — Timothy Hart “War at the Shore” tells the story of what is now Ocean County in the American Revolution, including a 5-minute documentary. Timothy Hart works as the Ocean County Historian (2012) and is the division director of the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage commission in the Ocean County Parks & Recreation. He is an active participant in state and national historical organizations including past president of the League of Historical Societies of NJ and the South Jersey Cultural Association. He has also served on the board of the Advocates for NJ. He has been active with the AASLH. He is also the Stafford Township Historian since 2006. He has more than 40 years of civic engagement including among others: his town historic preservation commission, school board, planning board, environmental commission, and chamber of commerce. He is a retired member of the NJ Bar, a graduate of Rutgers Law School and Georgetown University. This event takes place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Our speaker series is always free; but donations are greatly appreciated. SEATING IS LIMITED! To reserve your seat, send your name, zip [...]
When Bipartisanship Mattered: The Life and Career of US Senator Clifford P. Case
Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United StatesBob Fernekes April 14, 2024, at 2:00 PM “When Bipartisanship Mattered: “The Life and Career of US Senator Clifford P. Case” For 33 years in the U. S. Congress, nine in the House and twenty-four in the Senate, Clifford Case was a powerful voice for civil and human rights, environmental protection, ethics in government and a global role for the U.S. in combating the spread of communism and promoting democracy. Case was determined to uphold honesty and integrity in government, introducing legislation on financial disclosure years before it was required by law, while pursuing an end to the Vietnam War when it became clear U.S. policy was causing more harm than good. Case also was a forceful advocate for New Jersey, working closely with his senate colleague Harrison Williams and other members of the state’s Congressional delegation to advance the state’s interests in Washington, with particular emphasis on preserving and protecting the natural environment. Learn more about this fascinating figure from his biographer himself. William R. Fenekes (B. A., M. A., Ed. D., Rutgers University) taught social studies and Spanish from 1974-1987 at Hunterdon Central Regional HS in Flemington NJ, and then served as supervisor of social studies at Hunterdon [...]
When Bipartisanship Mattered: The Life and Career of US Senator Clifford P. Case
Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United StatesBob Fernekes April 14, 2024, at 2:00 PM “When Bipartisanship Mattered: “The Life and Career of US Senator Clifford P. Case” For 33 years in the U. S. Congress, nine in the House and twenty-four in the Senate, Clifford Case was a powerful voice for civil and human rights, environmental protection, ethics in government and a global role for the U.S. in combating the spread of communism and promoting democracy. Case was determined to uphold honesty and integrity in government, introducing legislation on financial disclosure years before it was required by law, while pursuing an end to the Vietnam War when it became clear U.S. policy was causing more harm than good. Case also was a forceful advocate for New Jersey, working closely with his senate colleague Harrison Williams and other members of the state’s Congressional delegation to advance the state’s interests in Washington, with particular emphasis on preserving and protecting the natural environment. Learn more about this fascinating figure from his biographer himself. William R. Fenekes (B. A., M. A., Ed. D., Rutgers University) taught social studies and Spanish from 1974-1987 at Hunterdon Central Regional HS in Flemington NJ, and then served as supervisor of social studies at Hunterdon [...]
The Battle of Monmouth Courthouse: The Last Great Revolutionary War Battle in the North
Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United StatesLocation: Ocean County Historical Society Time: 2:00 PM Date: Sunday, May 5, 2024 This event takes place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Our speaker series is free, but your donations in support of our programs are greatly appreciated. SEATING IS LIMITED so reserve your seat early by sending your name, zip code, email address, and the name and date of the program (May 5, 2024) to: The Battle of Monmouth Courthouse: The Last Great Revolutionary War Battle in the North – Victor Pidermann The Battle of Monmouth Courthouse (June 28, 1778) was the largest field artillery battle of the Revolutionary War, and was the last significant battle fought on northern soil during that conflict. More widely known for the legend of Molly Pitcher and the dispute between Generals George Washington and Charles Lee, the battle is, to this very day, often misunderstood and overlooked in its significance. This presentation will provide an overview of the Battle of Monmouth, placing it in context within the wider war, and will conclude with a discussion of the latest research being done by the current custodians of the battlefield's historic legacy. Victor Pidermann is one of the historic interpreters at Monmouth Battlefield [...]
Leonard Lomell – Hero of D-Day
George P Vanderveer American Legion Post 129 2025 Church Rd., Toms River, NJ, United States“Leonard Lomell – Hero of D-Day” with TR Historian Mark Mutter and Author Steven Gillon Saturday, June 1, 2024, 11:30 AM The Ocean County Historical Society and Ocean County Cultural and Heritage Commission are sponsoring a talk and book signing with New York Times Best Selling Author Steven Gillon relating to his book, “Len Lomell D-Day Hero.” This event will be held on Saturday, June 1, 2024, at the George P. Vanderveer American Legion Post 129, at 2025 Church Road, Toms River. The program, moderated by Toms River Historian, Mark Mutter, will begin at 11:30 AM and be followed by a book signing. The book will be on sale at the event at a cost of $12.99. There is no charge to attend this event. For additional information or questions, contact Jeff Schenker at 609-339-9134. Please let us know if you plan to attend this event by emailing: Please include your email address, phone number, zip code, and the name and date of the event. Leonard “Bud” Lomell: Leonard Lomell was born in Brooklyn, New York and moved to Point Pleasant, New Jersey as a toddler. He was an Army Ranger best known for his heroic actions in the [...]