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(Please do not add events that are longer than one year.)

Revolutionary Women: Women’s Experience During the Revolutionary War

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Revolutionary Women: Women’s Experience during the Revolutionary War Presented by JuliaRose Violante Ocean County Historical Society Time 2:00 PM Sunday, March 23, 2025 The Ocean County Historical Society welcomes JuliaRose Violante for a discussion of the wide-ranging hardships and tragedies women dealt with during the American War for Independence, as well as some of their invaluable contributions to the war effort, from Martha Washington down to the regular camp follower. Julia Rose is a graduate student at Rutgers University and a Library Associate at the Pleasantville branch of the Atlantic County Library System.  Prior to this position, she worked for the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission. This event takes place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Seating is limited so reserve your seat early by sending your name, phone number, zip code, email address, and the name and date of the program (March 23, 2025) to: Admission is free; however, donations are appreciated.      


Presidential Gravesites

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Presidential Gravesites Presented by TJ Fallon Ocean County Historical Society Time: 2:00 PM Sunday, February 9, 2025 Back in 2020, TJ started the hobby of driving all over the United States visiting the gravesites of every US President, Vice President, Declaration of Independence, and US Constitution signer. To accomplish this, he travelled to thirty-three states and drove over 50,000 miles. He now holds the Guiness Book of World Records for seeing these gravesites in the shortest amount of time, just under 12 months! TJ and his son, Henry, started a YouTube channel and now have over 20,000 subscribers. On Instagram, they have close to 55,000 followers. TJ is currently drafting a book about his endeavor with his son being a primary focal point. He has spoken at many historical societies, libraries, and universities. This event takes place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Our speaker series is always free; but donations are appreciated. SEATING IS LIMITED so reserve your seat early by sending your name, phone number, zip code, email address, and the name and date of the program (February 9, 2025) to:    


The Army’s House of Magic: A History of Fort Monmouth

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Ocean County Historical Society Time:  2:00 PM Date: Sunday, December 15, 2024 The Army’s House of Magic: A History of Fort Monmouth, NJ with author Melissa Ziobro The history of Fort Monmouth, NJ begins in May 1917 when, as part of its wartime mobilization, the Army authorized four training camps for signal troops. One camp would be in central NJ - that which would eventually be known as "Fort Monmouth," in honor of the soldiers of the American Revolution who fought and died at the nearby Battle of Monmouth. The Army Signal Corps trained thousands of men for war there and built laboratories that worked on pioneering technologies like air to ground radio. Though the base was supposed to be temporary, it wound up outliving the war. It was for decades known as the "Home of the Signal Corps," and, until its closure in 2011, the base was still innovating some of the most significant communications and electronics advances in military history - many of which would save lives on the battlefield and be adapted for civilian use. Presented by Monmouth University Professor Melissa Ziobro, the last Command Historian of Fort Monmouth prior to the base’s closure in 2011, and author of Fort Monmouth: the Army’s House of [...]


Victorian Holiday Open House with Santa and Mrs. Claus

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Victorian Holiday Open House with Santa and Mrs. Claus Ocean County Historical Society Time: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Date: Saturday, November 30th, 2024 The Ocean County Historical Society is pleased to announce our fourth annual Victorian Style Open House to be held on Saturday, November 30, 2024, from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Bring your children and grandchildren to meet Santa Claus. Bring your camera to take pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be with us from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Tour our Victorian style house and museum complete with holiday music and decorations and enjoy holiday refreshments and gifts for the children. Best of all, the event is free! Enjoy a fun filled event with the whole family. For additional information, please call Jeff at 609-339-9134 or email:


New Jersey and World War I

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

“New Jersey and World War I” with Dr. Jeffrey Schenker, OCHS President This program will explain the events that led to the great War and go into detail about New Jersey's contributions to the war effort, both militarily and economically. Jeff taught history for many years at Toms River High School South and is currently an adjunct professor of history at Ocean County College. These events take place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Our speaker series is always free; but donations are appreciated. SEATING IS LIMITED so reserve your seat early by sending your name, zip code, email address,  telephone number, and the name and date of the program (November 10, 2024) to:  


Eleanor Roosevelt: The First Lady of Today’s First Ladies

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Eleanor Roosevelt: The First Lady of Today’s First Ladies with Mark Mutter, Toms River Historian Learn about the remarkable life of Eleanor Roosevelt, who served as the “eyes and ears” for President Roosevelt. Eleanor was the first lady from 1933 until 1945. Through her travels throughout the country, as an early advocate for human rights, and her public engagement, she redefined the role of First Lady. This remarkable person even served as the United States Delegate to the United Nations. Presented by Mark Mutter, who spent summer months working as a docent at Campobello Island, where the Roosevelts had their summer cottage. During his time there Mark did extensive research on Eleanor Roosevelt. Mark has been historian and business administrator for Toms River Township, serves as the official Toms River historian, and is currently adjunct professor of law at Ocean County College. These events take place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Our speaker series is always free; but donations are appreciated. SEATING IS LIMITED so reserve your seat early by sending your name, zip code, email address,  telephone number, and the name and date of the program (October 20, 2024) to:  


“South Jersey Legends & Lore: Tales from the Pine Barrens and Beyond” by William Lewis

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

We welcome renowned author William Lewis as he discusses his newest book. This will be followed by a book signing. The book will be available for purchase that day. William is a lifelong resident of New Jersey Pine Barrens as were multiple generations of his family before him. He is the also the author of “New Jersey’s Lost Piney Culture” and “Adventures with Piney Joe: Exploring the New Jersey Pine Barrens.” These events take place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Our speaker series is always free; but donations are appreciated. SEATING IS LIMITED so reserve your seat early by sending your name, zip code, email address,  telephone number, and the name and date of the program (September 8, 2024) to:


“War at the Shore”

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Sunday, March 3, 2024, at 2:00 PM War at the Shore — Timothy Hart “War at the Shore” tells the story of what is now Ocean County in the American Revolution, including a 5-minute documentary. Timothy Hart works as the Ocean County Historian (2012) and is the division director of the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage commission in the Ocean County Parks & Recreation. He is an active participant in state and national historical organizations including past president of the League of Historical Societies of NJ and the South Jersey Cultural Association. He has also served on the board of the Advocates for NJ. He has been active with the AASLH. He is also the Stafford Township Historian since 2006. He has more than 40 years of civic engagement including among others: his town historic preservation commission, school board, planning board, environmental commission, and chamber of commerce. He is a retired member of the NJ Bar, a graduate of Rutgers Law School and Georgetown University. This event takes place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Our speaker series is always free; but donations are greatly appreciated. SEATING IS LIMITED! To reserve your seat, send your name, zip [...]


What America Sounds Like: 250 Years of American Music

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Melissa Ziobro February 25, 2024, at 2:00 PM What America Sounds Like: 250 Years of American Music   This interactive, multi-media talk by Melissa Ziobro provides a look at the iconic music that helps us understand our shared history as we approach the 250th anniversary of American independence. Special emphasis is given to Thomas Edison, Paul Robeson, James P. Johnson, Frank Sinatra, Whitney Houston, Paul Simon, Bruce Springsteen, Queen Latifah, Bon Jovi, and others from New Jersey who have contributed so much to the American music landscape. Melissa Ziobro is a longtime educator and the new Curator of the Bruce Springsteen Archives and Center for American Music at Monmouth University. This event takes place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Our speaker series is always free; but donations are greatly appreciated. SEATING IS LIMITED! To reserve your seat, send your name, zip code, email address, and the date of the program (February 25, 2024) to  


“A War Against Disease and Despair: Immigrants, Nurses, Soldiers, and the Transformation of Patient Care on Ellis Island During WWI”

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Ryan Radice Sunday, December 10, 2023, at 2:00 PM “A War Against Disease and Despair: Immigrants, Nurses, Soldiers, and the Transformation of Patient Care on Ellis Island During World War I” While known primarily for its use as an immigrant facility, Ellis Island went through several major changes from the time war was declared in Europe in 1914, to the time that the last military members left the island in 1919. During the First World War, Ellis Island and its associated hospital facilities would be the victims of German terrorism, a mobilization points for thousands of Red Cross nurses bound for the frontlines, and a debarkation hospital that was the first stop home for countless sick and wounded soldiers returning from the battlefield. Ryan Radice is a historian from Scotch Plains, New Jersey. A graduate of Monmouth University, his research interests include immigration history, the American Revolution and early republic, and the history and archaeology of New Jersey cemeteries and military sites. This event takes place at our museum at 26 Hadley Avenue in Toms River. Our speaker series is free; however, SEATING IS LIMITED! To reserve your seat, send your name, zip code, email address, and the date of [...]


Screening of the Reluctant Piney

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

SPECIAL EVENT: Screening of The Reluctant Piney (and bake sale!) Sunday, June 11 at 2PM at the Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ 08753 Admission: $5 (proceeds support ongoing building maintenance; pre-registration is required) Join the Ocean County Historical Society for a screening of the new, 90-minute documentary film, The Reluctant Piney. The film is produced and directed by William J. Lewis, author of New Jersey's Lost Piney Culture. Admission will be $5.00 cash and collected at the door, with all proceeds supporting ongoing much-needed maintenance to our historic house museum. There will also be a bake sale. We are grateful to Mr. Lewis for his support of our organization. About the film: The Pineys of yesterday and today are as diverse as the flora and fauna of the Pine Barrens. Walk with us down roads less traveled to places only a few know. See glimpses of ghost towns and hear firsthand stories that have been hidden away by a veil of secrecy only to be revealed by the remaining Piney Outlaws. New Jersey’s Lost Piney Culture is more than the pinecone pickers or pine ballers of the last two centuries. Pineys’ way of life is [...]


The Traditions of Healing Music by Bonnie Leigh

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Location – Ocean County Historical Society, 26 Hadley Avenue, Toms River, NJ Sunday, May 7th at 2:00 PM “The Traditions of Healing Music,” by Bonnie Leigh Historically, many societies and cultures have deemed music to be very powerful. It can affect all aspects of our life -- to include being used to aid in relaxation, and even to help the sick and dying. In this program, you will learn about the different types of music that have historically been used, and can still be used, for different situations in our lives. Bonnie Leigh is a Certified Music Practitioner who uses music to help patients in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted livings, and private homes. She personally plays the small harp and the Appalachian Mountain Dulcimer. She has been performing and teaching traditional folk music across the northeast coast since the early 1990s, to include previous visits to the Ocean County Historical Society, and at Allaire Historic Village. To register for this free program, send your name, zip code, email address, and the date of the program (May 7) to As this is our last lecture prior to our summer break, we will, as a special treat, feature a display of some musical artifacts [...]


“Project Paperclips Brings German Scientists to NJ,” by Fred Carl

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Location – Ocean County Historical Society, 26 Hadley Avenue, Toms River, NJ Sunday, April 16th, 2023, at 2:00 PM, “Project Paperclips Brings German Scientists to NJ,” by Fred Carl In the fall of 1944, the United States and its allies launched a secret mission code-named Operation Paperclip. The aim was to find and preserve German weapons, including biological and chemical agents, but American scientific intelligence officers quickly realized the weapons themselves were not enough. They decided the United States needed to bring German scientists themselves to the U.S. Thus began a mission to recruit top German doctors, physicists and chemists — including the famous Wernher von Braun, who went on to design the rockets that took man to the moon. See more at: secret-operation-to-bring-Nazi-scientists-to-America. Few know that some of these scientific personnel made their way right here to NJ. Join us as Fred Carl tells the tale. Fred Carl received his B.S. in Science Education and his M.S. in Computer Science from Monmouth University. He also has Teaching Certificates in Comprehensive Science and Computer Science. Carl began the effort to save Camp Evans in Wall Township by transforming it into a Science Education Center in March of 1993 when [...]


Hello Girls Get the Message Through – by Melissa Ziobro

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Sunday, March 19th, 2PM, “Hello Girls Get the Message Through,” by Melissa Ziobro Join Monmouth University Professor and former US Army Fort Monmouth Command Historian Melissa Ziobro for a talk on how the US Army Signal Corps employed women as telephone switchboard operators during WWI. The “Hello Girls” worked long hours to ensure battlefield communications. Their Chief Operator, Grace Banker, hailed from NJ. After the war, the women fought for veteran status, and they are being considered for a Congressional Gold Medal today. Melissa Ziobro is the Specialist Professor of Public History in the Monmouth University Department of History and Anthropology and the primary point of contact for the University's public history minor. She is the current President of Oral History in the Mid-Atlantic Region, and has served for many years as the editor for New Jersey Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, a joint venture of the NJ Historical Commission, Rutgers University Libraries, and Monmouth University. She is a trustee of the NJ Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Foundation, the Ocean County Historical Society, the Monmouth County Historical Association, the Info Age Science and History Museums at the Camp Evans National Historic Landmark, and Preservation NJ, and works regularly with other public history [...]


The Lights Go Out in the Electric City: South Lakewood Park by Robert DeSando

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Sunday, December 4th, 2022, at 2:00 pm - "The Lights Go Out in the Electric City: South Lakewood Park, An Exclusive Enclave for Socialites and Scientists, Reduced to Burning Embers and Forgotten by History," by Robert DeSando Please join the Ocean County Historical Society at 26 Hadley Avenue, Toms River, NJ for the following program: The subject of this talk is a forgotten "city" in New Jersey known alternately as South Lakewood Park and Electric City. During the late 19th Century, Lakewood NJ was a winter resort for the rich and famous, including John Rockefeller and Jay Gould. It had grand hotels that entertained the elite of New York and Philadelphia society. Led by a visionary scientist and inventor with a knack for getting entangled in scandals, investors from New York and Philadelphia proposed to build a lavish rival resort in the pines three miles away, on the border of Lakewood, Jackson, and Toms River. Their goal was two-fold: creation of a posh playground for the wealthy and a gathering place for inventors, scientists and engineers who were experts in power generation and electricity. Work was well underway. In the 1890s, a luxury hotel, The Casino was built, a 150-foot arc light [...]


OCHS’s Victorian Era Holiday Open House

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

OCHS’s Victorian Era Holiday Open House On Saturday, December 3, 2022, the Ocean County Historical Society, 26 Hadley Ave., Toms River will be hosting a Victorian Era Holiday Open House from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Bring your camera to have pictures taken with a Victorian style Santa from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm. Take a tour of our holiday decorated Victorian Era house and museum and enjoy a model train exhibit. Admission is free, but donations are welcomed. Refreshments will be available at no charge. For additional information please call Jeff at 609-339-9134.  


Holiday Gifts, Crafts & Collectibles Faire

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Holiday Gifts, Crafts and Collectibles Faire – November 13, 2022 Location: Toms River South High School Cafetorium, Hooper Avenue, Toms River The Ocean County Historical Society will be hosting a Holiday Gifts, Crafts and Collectibles Faire at Toms River High School South on Sunday, November 13 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. In addition to numerous vendors, there will be baked goods for sale, used books, displays by numerous historical societies, and our annual 50-50. There is no charge for admission. For additional information, please contact Jeff at 609-339-9134.


For a Wonderful Vacation, Go by Train! Railroads & Jersey Shore Vacationing by Bill Elwell

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Sunday, October 9th, 2022, at 2:00 pm - "For a Wonderful Vacation, Go by Train! Railroads and Jersey Shore Vacationing" by Bill Elwell Please join the Ocean County Historical Society at 26 Hadley Avenue, Toms River, NJ for the following program: Nestled halfway between two of Americas most important cities, the Jersey Shore seems perfectly positioned to be a vacation destination. Two hundred years inviting visitors and providing a home to residents have fused the business of tourism as a local way of life. Railroads, however, were the defining factor in creating and shaping the development of the Shore as a center for everything from day trips to whole summer vacations. Bill Elwell is an adjunct professor of History at Monmouth University. He is a lifelong resident of Ocean County and railfan and railroad historian. To register for this free program, send your name, zip code, email address, and the date of the program (October 9) to


Bill Cranmer: Gentleman, Craftsman, Scholar, & Decoy Carver

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Location: Ocean County Historical Society, 26 Hadley Avenue, Toms River September 11th, 2PM: "Bill Cranmer: Gentleman, Craftsman, Scholar, and Decoy Carver" by Arthur C. Liese This is the story of Bill Cranmer, master carpenter, home builder on LBI, and classic New Jersey Museum quality decoy carver. He was a well-read scholarly gentleman. Most importantly, he was a man of character, pride, and integrity. Arthur C. Liese is the President and managing Director of the Sporting Gallery and Book Shop, Inc. Founded in 1933, in New York City, it is the oldest Gallery of this unique specialty in this country. He is the leading expert on 20th Century American Sporting Art during the Golden Era of Sport (1927-1941). He is an appraiser and well published author and lecturer on this specialty subject. To register for this free, in-person program, send your name, zip code, email address and the date of the program to


OCHS’s Visit to John F. Peto Museum

Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms River, NJ, United States

Touring Historic New Jersey   On Monday, December 13th at 11:00 AM OCHS will visit the John F. Peto Museum for a guided tour. The museum is located at 102 Cedar Ave in Island Heights. OCHS will be donating to the Peto Museum, so there is no admission fee. You must provide your own transportation. If you are interested in joining us, please reserve your space through Jeff at 609-339-9134.  
