To encourage existing businesses to improve the appearance of their places of business and provide an incentive for new businesses to locate in Downtown Toms River
- Up to $15,000 in matching façade grants annually
- Maximum grants of 50% of construction cost to a maximum grant of $2,500
- Allocation of grants according to the following scheme until Sept. 1. After Sept. 1 the grants will be generally available. Allocation: 50 % of grants to new businesses, 2 grants for businesses within a block of the Main and Washington intersection, 1 grant for a business in the 3% assessment area, limit of one grant per property owner per year.
- Rolling application for grants throughout year
- Façade Improvement Committee meets monthly to review applications and project progress
- Grantee has six months to complete their project from the time of the completion of the grant award paperwork
Facade Improvement Program- Q & A
What is the Toms River BID Facade Improvement Program?
The program offers up to 50% of construction cost to a maximum grant of $2,500 in matching funds to owners of commercial property and businesses located in the Downtown Toms River’s footprint in order to improve the appearance of individual building facades, signs and awnings, as well as the overall look of Downtown Toms River. Improvements must be made to areas visible from the public way. The goal of this program is to leverage private improvements while making revitalization efforts affordable, creative and community-based.
The Facade Improvement Program is administered by Downtown Toms River’s Facade Improvement Committee. The Committee is made up of Downtown Toms River business property owners and representatives of the Toms River Business Development Corporation Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Land Use Committee, Design Committee, and Business Development Committee. The Toms River Business Development Corporation (TRBDC) is the non-profit management corporation for Downtown Toms River (the Toms River Business Improvement District).
Who can apply for funding?
Any building owner or store proprietor/tenant with lease authority or authorization from the owner can apply for funding. The project site must be located in Downtown Toms River. Tenants must have a minimum of two years remaining on their lease or an option to renew for an additional two years. A maximum total of $15,000 in grants will be awarded this year.
What types of improvements are eligible for funding?
- Signs (new, repairs, replacements, removal)
- Awnings
- Lighting
- Paint
- Removal/replacement of inappropriate or incompatible exterior finishes or materials
- Recessing/re-configuring entrances
- Door/window replacement or repair
Are there design guidelines?
Projects must conform to the Toms River Township Land Use Regulations.
Downtown Toms River Facade Improvement Program Q & A
How are the grants awarded?
This is a matching grant program. The applicant pays a portion of the improvement and the Toms River Business Development Corporation pays a portion. The amount of the match must be at lease 2:1 – applicant pays $3 and the TRBDC reimburses the grantee $1 of the $3. However, there is a maximum grant contribution by the TRBDC of $2,500 per project. In multi-storefront buildings, a maximum of $5,000 may be allocated for projects involving multiple businesses. Work undertaken prior to a letter of commitment being issued is not eligible for funding. Grant funds are disbursed on a reimbursement basis and cannot be issued until the proposed project has been completed. Before payment is made, applicants will need to submit proof of payment for completed work, all building code approvals must be issued, and the TRBDC must review the completed project to determine that the actual work performed was the work approved.
How does the application process work?
(1) Applicant meets with the Downtown Toms River staff to go over procedures and determine if the project meets the grant criteria.
(2) Applicant completes a preliminary application for review by the Façade Improvement Committee.
(3) When the preliminary application has been reviewed, qualified applicants will be asked to complete a full application, which includes architectural drawings, color samples and cost estimates (two bids are required).
(4) The Downtown Toms River staff will review the application for compliance with all necessary regulations.
(5) The Facade Improvement Committee will review the application and will make its recommendation to the TRBDC Board of Directors within 30 days of receiving a completed application.
(6) The Board of Directors will then vote on the application within 30 days of receiving the Facade Improvement Committee’s recommendation.
(7) The applicant will receive a letter of commitment from the TRBDC for the specified amount with information on any other requirements.
Every effort will be made to expedite the application process.
Once the applicant has their letter of commitment and completes the grant agreement, they can proceed with necessary permitting and township review processes. Funds will be released to the applicant upon completion and inspection of the project. If an application is denied, a new application can be submitted during the next funding round.
How are projects selected for funding?
Applications will be reviewed and selected based on their compatibility with the vision and goals of Downtown Toms and their impact on moving towards that vision.
What happens after a project is selected for funding?
Work selected for a matching grant must be completed within 6 months of approval of the application, unless extended by the Facade Improvement Committee. The applicant is responsible for obtaining all building permits and any other required permits for the work to be done, as well as any other final inspections that may be required by the township. The applicant is responsible for the conformance with all applicable safety standards and conditions. The applicant also agrees to maintain the property and improvement. Downtown Toms River may promote an approved project including, but not limited to, displaying a Downtown Toms River sign at the site, during and after construction, and using photographs and descriptions of the project in the organization’s materials.