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(Please do not add events that are longer than one year.)
Open Studio Night
The Downtown Shops 53 Main St, Toms RivetJoin us for an Open Studio night! The last Tuesday of every month 5:30-8:30pm. Bring your own supplies, bring your own snacks/drinks. Come out and paint, draw, sketch or whatever you want. Hang out with your fellow artists, ask for help if you’re stuck on something, get new ideas from others and help spark your creativity! A fun relaxing night to just chill and do some artin’ In the Activity Room at The Downtown Shops @ 53 Main, 53 Main St. Toms River. Members are free, non members are welcome to join for $5.00 a session
Tea Club at the Mathis House
The Mathis House at 600 Main 600 Main St., Toms RiverABC GLUTEN FREE Guest Speaker: Dana Fuggi Martin is host of abc gluten free the first live online cooking show about living a gluten free lifestyle, she is author of “In Sickness and in Health” a story about her vigilance through illness, she is product and recipe developer, and most of all survivor of multiple health challenges including a congenital heart defect, Hashimoto’s, and kidney failure. Dana is wife to an amazing husband and mother of two miracles. She grew up in the family restaurant business and learned that everything you put in your mouth matters and that’s what led her to become a health and beauty expert. Dana has multiple online businesses and consulting companies in the health and wellness industry. She found through a rough adulthood and losing many loved ones that what you feed your body can heal or hurt it, and she is determined to share what she has learned. She wants everyone to experience health and wholeness and through her app developed along with her husband, she teaches how to find wholeness physically, mentally, and spiritually. You can find her, send any questions or comments, or just follow along @abcglutenfree on social channels. The Mathis [...]