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(Please do not add events that are longer than one year.)
Women Lighthouse Keepers
Ocean County Historical Society 26 Hadley Ave, Toms RiverCelebrate yet one more important role women have played in our national & state history when you tune in to OCHS's Zoom presentation. Mary Rasa, historian, former National Park interpreter, & former museum curator at Sandy Hook, will present her discoveries as she researched records & artifacts & did oral history interviews. You will learn about the U.S. Lighthouse Service from colonial days until when the Coast Guard took over in 1939, lighthouse technology & administrative history, & the second national paid position given to women in the U.S. beside that of clerk: lighthouse keeper. You will enjoy meeting several of the 140 courageous & hard-working official women keepers who enabled seafarers to navigate the U.S. shorelines more safely. To register for this free program, email your name, date of December 6, 2020, your zip code, & your email address to We will send you the link to Zoom a few days before the event.
Life Drawing At TRAC Gallery
Downtown Shops Activity Room 53 Main Street, Toms RiverLife Drawing at TRAC Most Sundays 6-8pm Features an undraped model Must be 18 to participate $10 fee, bring your own art supplies Follow our Life Drawing at TRAC page on Facebook for dates and details.