The Toms River Business Development Corporation (TRBDC), which manages Downtown Toms River, is made up of a permanent Board of Directors with 19 members, of which 14 positions shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of Downtown Toms River voting in person or by proxy. The Board of Directors are required to hold at least four regular meetings a year.
Robert Shea, Chairman
Bill Beining, Vice Chairman
Lee Pelton, Treasurer
Mike Hovance, Recording Secretary
Matthew Lotano, Corresponding Secretary
Owner Directors
Lee Pelton, CPA, Lee Pelton, CPA
Mike Little, 27 Washington St. Associates, LLC
Michael Hovance, The Perfect Swing
Matthew Lotano, Lotano Development, Inc.
Anthony Palmucci, The Music Academy
Business Directors
Robert C. Shea, RC Shea & Associates
James Capone, Capones
Alizar Zorojew
Dean Gresek, Willis & Gresek Counsellors at Law
Alice Marin, New Jersey School of Massage
Residential Directors
William Beining, Downtown Toms River Resident
Daniele Szczypinski, Downtown Toms River Resident
Route 37 Director
John Brown, Crossroads Realty
Cultural Director
Alizar Zorojew
Township Director
Hon. Daniel T. Rodrick, Mayor
Greater Toms River Chamber of Commerce
Marina Papanikolas * CEO
Toms River Township Parking Authority Director
Pam Piner*, Toms River Parking Authority
Ocean County Board of Freeholders Director
Sandra Lazzaro * Division Director Of Business Development and Tourism at County of Ocean
Ocean County Library Director
Sue Quinn, Library Director
Downtown Toms River Staff
Melissa Fernandez-Torres, Executive Director
Liz Thomson, Bookkeeper
Stephen Schreiber, Maintenance, Bldg. & Grounds
Who is eligible to vote?
- If you are a downtown commercial property owner you are eligible to vote. View map.
- If you own/operate a business/profession, and you are not already registered with Downtown Toms River, you must register as such at the Downtown Toms River Office, 53 Main Street, Toms River, to be eligible to vote.
- If you have any questions, contact the office.
* Appointed